
Advertise Your Business with Aura Holistic Marketing!

Our readers are interested in Marketing, Small Business Help, Branding, Product Launches, Small Business Services and Products, Market Research, Product Surveys, Marketing Campaigns, Logos, Website Registration, Website Design and Website Hosting, Credit Card Processing, Packaging and Shipping. They love finding out about new products, opportunities and services that will enhance and promote their businesses. They are enthusiastic, passionate and willing to try new things, especially if it makes their lives and running their business easier. As an advertiser, you'll support our mission to offer helpful marketing and small business tips, products, services and ideas.  We currently have a few options available.


For $150, you can sponsor a Aura Holistic Marketing blog post. Your image, link and a little blurb about your company (if you’d like) will be inserted into a new post of my choosing and will remain there – forever! This means as my site traffic grows, your ad will get more and more and more exposure. It’s a crazy-good deal! Also as my site traffic increases, the price of this sponsorship will go up…so grab it while you can. *Sponsor bonus: If you sponsor a post, I’ll also give you a shout out to all of my Twitter followers!

Sounds like a plan? Email Us and we'll get you on the calendar!

Make Your Mark

  • 300×250 ad – super prime placement. It’ll be the first thing people see when they come to my site, and it will show up at the top of every page. 
  • 160×600 rectangle in the right column of my site. Shows up on every page. 
  • 160×200 rectangle + 300 characters of text in the right column. Shows up on every page. 
  • 125×125 box in the right column of my site. Shows up on every page. This space is perfect for small business owners! 
Please note: Although our readers know that the advertising on our site does not necessarily reflect our personal opinions or preferences, we will not accept any ad offers that do not fit our website and audience.

Let’s work together. We look forward to promoting you and your amazing business!


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