
You have an idea for a business. You don't where to start. You need help. You need someone who can take your thoughts and help you create the business you have always envisioned.  

Aura Holistic Marketing is your one stop Conceptual Consulting firm. We will work together to plan, design and implement your business concept. From start to finish, each detail will be interpreted into a workable, visible theme. Aura Holistic Marketing takes great care in catering to the small business sector, as we believe being an entrepreneur is an exciting and gratifying way to earn a meaningful income, enrich local communities and employ socially conscious business practices.

Conceptual Consulting starts with brainstorming sessions, moves to action plans and  is finalized with your business launch! Imagine turning a hobby into a full time business or sharing your love of dessert into a bakery. Have you ever passed a storefront and thought "This place would make a great salon" or "Wouldn't it be great if I could open a cafe/bookstore in my neighborhood?" The possibilities are endless!  It all starts with an IDEA - Insight, Design, Enterprise, Action. 

set your IDEA in motion today!

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